Retreaters, staff and student enjoying their daily salad lunch at Howford House.
Friday 10th to 13th June 2022 – Pitlochry
We are holding a Retreat in June this year, which is a first for us! One of our regular attendees has kindly offered us the use of her lovely house just outside Pitlochry. It stands in its own grounds with stunning views over the Perthshire countryside. Places are limited, so please get in touch with Joanna on as soon as possible! The dates are: Friday 10th to Monday 13th June 2022.
What can you expect at one of our Retreats?
Apart from great company, there are walks and talks and discussion sessions. There are exercise classes and a daily massage. The food is all vegetarian or vegan and mostly organic, it is all prepared fresh each day and Retreaters are encouraged to get involved with food prep if they would like to do so.
Saturday 14th to Friday 21st October 2022 – Howford House in Peeblesshire
Our annual Retreat at Howford House in Peeblesshire will go ahead this year, and the dates are Saturday 14th to Friday 21st October 2022. If you re interested in taking part in this Retreat please contact Joanna on